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Pensions & Retirement Planning

Pensions & Retirement Planning

At Haven, we recognise the critical importance of retirement planning. As life expectancy continues to rise and the retirement landscape evolves, it becomes increasingly vital to craft a comprehensive pension strategy. We are here to guide you through the intricacies of pension planning, helping you secure a retirement free from financial worries.

A pensioner planning his retirement

Why Do You Need a Pension?

Tax Efficiency

Pensions offer outstanding tax benefits, often featuring contributions made pre-tax. Furthermore, your pension fund grows free from capital gains and income tax, enhancing its overall tax efficiency.

Retirement Income Security

Pensions provide the peace of mind that you will receive a regular income post-retirement, ensuring you can maintain your lifestyle without financial concerns.

Flexibility in Contributions

You can tailor your pension contributions to suit your financial circumstances, whether through regular payments or one-off investments.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much should I invest in my pension?

Your pension contributions should align with what you can comfortably afford while adhering to the allowable limits. Striking the right balance is crucial – invest as much as you can without overstretching your finances. Most modern pension plans offer flexibility, allowing you to adjust contributions as needed.

What’s the difference between a Defined Contribution and a Defined Benefit plan?

A defined benefit plan guarantees a specified payment amount in retirement, typically based on factors like salary and years of service. In contrast, a defined contribution plan involves contributions from both employees and employers, with the retirement income depending on the contributions and investment performance.

What happens to my pension when I die?

The fate of your pension upon your death varies based on how you structured it. Many pension options permit anyone to inherit your pension, not solely your spouse or civil partner. Understanding the implications of your chosen pension scheme is crucial in estate planning.

What are my options for taking an income from my pension?

Most personal pensions set an age at which you can begin withdrawing funds, typically not before the age of 55. The specific options available to you may vary depending on your pension provider. Contact your provider to determine your withdrawal options.

What is pension carry forward?

Pension carry forward is a valuable tool that allows you to make contributions to your pension in excess of the annual allowance while still receiving tax relief. It can be particularly beneficial if you have unused annual allowances from the previous three tax years.

What are the tax benefits of pensions?

Pensions offer several tax benefits, making them an attractive retirement savings vehicle:

  • Tax relief on your pension contributions, effectively reducing the cost of saving for retirement.
  • Tax-efficient growth on your pension investments, allowing your money to potentially grow faster than in a standard taxable account.
  • The ability to take a tax-free lump sum (usually up to 25% of your pension fund) when you reach age 55.
  • In some cases, pensions can be passed on without incurring inheritance tax, helping to preserve your wealth for future generations.

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